Result of the search
municipality | Zip code | Region Department |
Informations |
municipalityAfa | Zip code20167 (20001) |
Region Department Corse (Corse) Corse-du-Sud |
Informations |
municipalityAix-la-Fayette | Zip code63980 (63002) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Auvergne) Puy-de-Dôme |
Informations |
municipalityArdeuil-et-Montfauxelles | Zip code08400 (8018) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Champagne-Ardenne) Ardennes |
Informations |
municipalityArifat | Zip code81360 (81017) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Tarn |
Informations |
municipalityArs-les-Favets | Zip code63700 (63011) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Auvergne) Puy-de-Dôme |
Informations |
municipalityAuffargis | Zip code78610 (78030) |
Region Department Île-de-France (Île-de-France) Yvelines |
Informations |
municipalityAunou-le-Faucon | Zip code61200 (61014) |
Region Department Normandie (Basse-Normandie) Orne |
Informations |
municipalityAuvers-sous-Montfaucon | Zip code72540 (72017) |
Region Department Pays-de-la-Loire (Pays de la Loire) Sarthe |
Informations |
municipalityBarbonne-Fayel | Zip code51120 (51036) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Champagne-Ardenne) Marne |
Informations |
municipalityBeaufai | Zip code61270 (61032) |
Region Department Normandie (Basse-Normandie) Orne |
Informations |
municipalityBeaufay | Zip code72110 (72026) |
Region Department Pays-de-la-Loire (Pays de la Loire) Sarthe |
Informations |
municipalityBelfahy | Zip code70290 (70061) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Haute-Saône |
Informations |
municipalityBelfays | Zip code25470 (25049) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Doubs |
Informations |
municipalityBellaffaire | Zip code04250 (4026) |
Region Department Provence-Alpes-Côte d'azur (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) Alpes-de-Hautes-Provence |
Informations |
municipalityBerfay | Zip code72320 (72032) |
Region Department Pays-de-la-Loire (Pays de la Loire) Sarthe |
Informations |
municipalityBonifacio | Zip code20169 (20041) |
Region Department Corse (Corse) Corse-du-Sud |
Informations |
municipalityBonnefamille | Zip code38090 (38048) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes) Isère |
Informations |
municipalityBraffais | Zip code50870 (50071) |
Region Department Normandie (Basse-Normandie) Manche |
Informations |
municipalityBraye-sous-Faye | Zip code37120 (37035) |
Region Department Centre-Val de Loire (Centre) Indre-et-Loire |
Informations |
municipalityBreuilaufa | Zip code87300 (87022) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Limousin) Haute-Vienne |
Informations |
municipalityBreurey-lès-Faverney | Zip code70160 (70095) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Haute-Saône |
Informations |
municipalityBuffard | Zip code25440 (25098) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Doubs |
Informations |
municipalityCasefabre | Zip code66130 (66040) |
Region Department Occitanie (Languedoc-Roussillon) Pyrénées-Orientales |
Informations |
municipalityCastifao | Zip code20218 (20080) |
Region Department Corse (Corse) Haute-Corse |
Informations |
municipalityChâteauneuf-du-Faou | Zip code29540 (29027) |
Region Department Bretagne (Bretagne) Finistère |
Informations |
municipalityChauffailles | Zip code71170 (71120) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Bourgogne) Saône-et-Loire |
Informations |
municipalityChauffayer | Zip code05800 (5039) |
Region Department Provence-Alpes-Côte d'azur (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) Hautes-Alpes |
Informations |
municipalityChavaniac-Lafayette | Zip code43230 (43067) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Auvergne) Haute-Loire |
Informations |
municipalityCierges-sous-Montfaucon | Zip code55270 (55115) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Lorraine) Meuse |
Informations |
municipalityClairfayts | Zip code59740 (59148) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) Nord |
Informations |
municipalityColonfay | Zip code02120 (2206) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Picardie) Aisne |
Informations |
municipalityCombefa | Zip code81640 (81068) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Tarn |
Informations |
municipalityCubry-lès-Faverney | Zip code70160 (70190) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Haute-Saône |
Informations |
municipalityDomfaing | Zip code88600 (88145) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Lorraine) Vosges |
Informations |
municipalityDrémil-Lafage | Zip code31280 (31163) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Haute-Garonne |
Informations |
municipalityEscures-sur-Favières | Zip code14170 (14247) |
Region Department Normandie (Basse-Normandie) Calvados |
Informations |
municipalityÉtelfay | Zip code80500 (80293) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Picardie) Somme |
Informations |
municipalityFa | Zip code11260 (11131) |
Region Department Occitanie (Languedoc-Roussillon) Aude |
Informations |
municipalityFabas | Zip code82170 (82057) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Tarn-et-Garonne |
Informations |
municipalityFabas | Zip code09230 (9120) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Ariège |
Informations |
municipalityFabras | Zip code07380 (7087) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes) Ardèche |
Informations |
municipalityFabrègues | Zip code34690 (34095) |
Region Department Occitanie (Languedoc-Roussillon) Hérault |
Informations |
municipalityFabrezan | Zip code11200 (11132) |
Region Department Occitanie (Languedoc-Roussillon) Aude |
Informations |
municipalityFâches-Thumesnil | Zip code59155 (59220) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) Nord |
Informations |
municipalityFâchin | Zip code58430 (58111) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Bourgogne) Nièvre |
Informations |
municipalityFacture | Zip code33380 (33903) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Aquitaine) Gironde |
Informations |
municipalityFaget-Abbatial | Zip code32450 (32130) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Gers |
Informations |
municipalityFagnières | Zip code51510 (51242) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Champagne-Ardenne) Marne |
Informations |
municipalityFagnon | Zip code08090 (8162) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Champagne-Ardenne) Ardennes |
Informations |
municipalityFahy-lès-Autrey | Zip code70100 (70225) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Haute-Saône |
Informations |
municipalityFailly | Zip code57640 (57204) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Lorraine) Moselle |
Informations |
municipalityFaimbe | Zip code25250 (25232) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Doubs |
Informations |
municipalityFain-lès-Montbard | Zip code21500 (21259) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Bourgogne) Côte-d'Or |
Informations |
municipalityFain-lès-Moutiers | Zip code21500 (21260) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Bourgogne) Côte-d'Or |
Informations |
municipalityFains | Zip code27120 (27231) |
Region Department Normandie (Haute-Normandie) Eure |
Informations |
municipalityFains-la-Folie | Zip code28150 (28145) |
Region Department Centre-Val de Loire (Centre) Eure-et-Loire |
Informations |
municipalityFaissault | Zip code08270 (8163) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Champagne-Ardenne) Ardennes |
Informations |
municipalityFajac-en-Val | Zip code11220 (11133) |
Region Department Occitanie (Languedoc-Roussillon) Aude |
Informations |
municipalityFajac-la-Relenque | Zip code11410 (11134) |
Region Department Occitanie (Languedoc-Roussillon) Aude |
Informations |
municipalityFajoles | Zip code46300 (46098) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Lot |
Informations |
municipalityFajolles | Zip code82210 (82058) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Tarn-et-Garonne |
Informations |
municipalityFalaise | Zip code08400 (8164) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Champagne-Ardenne) Ardennes |
Informations |
municipalityFalaise | Zip code14700 (14258) |
Region Department Normandie (Basse-Normandie) Calvados |
Informations |
municipalityFalck | Zip code57550 (57205) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Lorraine) Moselle |
Informations |
municipalityFaleyras | Zip code33760 (33163) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Aquitaine) Gironde |
Informations |
municipalityFalga | Zip code31540 (31180) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Haute-Garonne |
Informations |
municipalityFalgueyrat | Zip code24560 (24173) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Aquitaine) Dordogne |
Informations |
municipalityFalicon | Zip code06950 (6060) |
Region Department Provence-Alpes-Côte d'azur (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) Alpes-Maritimes |
Informations |
municipalityFalkwiller | Zip code68210 (68086) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Alsace) Haut-Rhin |
Informations |
municipalityFallencourt | Zip code76340 (76257) |
Region Department Normandie (Haute-Normandie) Seine-Maritime |
Informations |
municipalityFallerans | Zip code25580 (25233) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Doubs |
Informations |
municipalityFalleron | Zip code85670 (85086) |
Region Department Pays-de-la-Loire (Pays de la Loire) Vendée |
Informations |
municipalityFalletans | Zip code39700 (39220) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Jura |
Informations |
municipalityFallon | Zip code70110 (70226) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Franche-Comté) Haute-Saône |
Informations |
municipalityFals | Zip code47220 (47092) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Aquitaine) Lot-et-Garonne |
Informations |
municipalityFalvy | Zip code80190 (80300) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Picardie) Somme |
Informations |
municipalityFamars | Zip code59300 (59221) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) Nord |
Informations |
municipalityFamechon | Zip code62760 (62322) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) Pas-de-Calais |
Informations |
municipalityFamechon | Zip code80290 (80301) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Picardie) Somme |
Informations |
municipalityFameck | Zip code57290 (57206) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Lorraine) Moselle |
Informations |
municipalityFamilly | Zip code14290 (14259) |
Region Department Normandie (Basse-Normandie) Calvados |
Informations |
municipalityFampoux | Zip code62118 (62323) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) Pas-de-Calais |
Informations |
municipalityFanjeaux | Zip code11270 (11136) |
Region Department Occitanie (Languedoc-Roussillon) Aude |
Informations |
municipalityFanlac | Zip code24290 (24174) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Aquitaine) Dordogne |
Informations |
municipalityFaramans | Zip code01800 (1156) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes) Ain |
Informations |
municipalityFaramans | Zip code38260 (38161) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes) Isère |
Informations |
municipalityFarbus | Zip code62580 (62324) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) Pas-de-Calais |
Informations |
municipalityFarceaux | Zip code27150 (27232) |
Region Department Normandie (Haute-Normandie) Eure |
Informations |
municipalityFarébersviller | Zip code57450 (57207) |
Region Department Grand-Est (Lorraine) Moselle |
Informations |
municipalityFareins | Zip code01480 (1157) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes) Ain |
Informations |
municipalityFaremoutiers | Zip code77515 (77176) |
Region Department Île-de-France (Île-de-France) Seine-et-Marne |
Informations |
municipalityFarges | Zip code01550 (1158) |
Region Department Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes) Ain |
Informations |
municipalityFarges-Allichamps | Zip code18200 (18091) |
Region Department Centre-Val de Loire (Centre) Cher |
Informations |
municipalityFarges-en-Septaine | Zip code18800 (18092) |
Region Department Centre-Val de Loire (Centre) Cher |
Informations |
municipalityFarges-lès-Chalon | Zip code71150 (71194) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Bourgogne) Saône-et-Loire |
Informations |
municipalityFarges-lès-Mâcon | Zip code71700 (71195) |
Region Department Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Bourgogne) Saône-et-Loire |
Informations |
municipalityFargniers | Zip code02700 (2300) |
Region Department Hauts-de-France (Picardie) Aisne |
Informations |
municipalityFargues | Zip code33210 (33164) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Aquitaine) Gironde |
Informations |
municipalityFargues | Zip code40500 (40099) |
Region Department Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Aquitaine) Landes |
Informations |
municipalityFargues | Zip code46800 (46099) |
Region Department Occitanie (Midi-Pyrénées) Lot |
Informations |